DeMarco Sleeper, Yuko Monden Juma, JanpiStar, Sonsherée Giles
an alt waltz of the flowers growing on the brink of mass extinction.
flora for the culture.
a chosen family of flowering plants connects to protect one another and survive.

DeMarco Sleeper, Louisa Mann, Sonsherée Giles
Premiere October 2021
Choreographer: Neve Mazique-Bianco
Dancers: Yuko Monden Juma, DeMarco Sleeper, Sonsherée Giles, JanpiStar,
Erik Debono, Lousia Mann
Costume Design: Rashad Pridgen
Costume Construction: Jamielyn Duggan
Music: Neve Mazique-Bianco, “Fell In Love” by Jen Wood, “Glass Vase Cello Case” by Tattle Tale, “Snowfell Summer” by Bonfire Madigan
Music Production: Erik Debono