David would like to acknowledge Judith Smith and Mollie McFarland for the loving continuance of conversation that made this project possible; Annika Nonhebel, Christy Thomas and the entire Axis family for attending to every detail flawlessly and congenially, the core cast of Axis for putting themselves on the line day after day in pursuit of truths, the community cast for giving so willingly and honestly, all the collaborators for making bold and generous contributions; and to all “donors” who have facilitated a moving experience that I will never forget.

Premier November 2009
Choreographer: David Dorfman, in collaboration with the AXIS Dancers.
Choreographic/Rehearsal Asst: Christine Cali
AXIS Dancers: Rodney Bell, Janet Das, Sonsherée Giles, Sebastian Grubb, Alice Sheppard
Community Dancers: Laura Arrington, Nan Busse, Cristina Carrasquillo, Heidi Cash, Andi Clegg, Danielle Fellguth, Beth Jones, Darcie Luce, Qilo Matzen, Zach Pine, Emmaly Wiederho
Original Score: Albert Mathias & Michael Wall
Lighting Design: Heather Basarab
Costume Design: Sonsherée Giles