“It’s important to me that the dancers I work with can personalize the work. Being truthful on stage is empowering and seeing the artists come to terms with their individual connections to gratefulness is a journey that can be shared by everyone involved in the rehearsal process.” —Jennifer Archibald

Bradford Chin, Yuko Monden Juma
Premier October 2019
Choreographer: Jennifer Archibald
Rehearsal Director: Sonsherée Giles
Dancers: Bradford Chin, Sonsherée Giles, AJ Guevara, Yuko Monden Juma, DeMarco Sleeper, and JanpiStar
Music: The Shaman’s Heart II by Byron Metcalf, Steve RoachIn My Room by Fennesz
Lighting Design: Walter Holden
Costume Design: Julie Bell